We just got back from the ER at Gwinnett Medical Center. Rylie fell off Grannie Cain's porch today around 2:30 fell approx 3 feet on left shoulder. She jumped up and wimpered a smidge and then went back to playing hide and seek. She feel asleep in the car and then carried to bed and slept till 5:30. She awoke crying and complaing about her neck and shoulder hurting. SHe was gaurding it and not moving it much. I tried to get her to reach for a cookie and she tried but jerked arm back and started crying. So I knew she would need an xray but wanted someone else to tell me that as well. Telephone advice nurse told me to take her to ER. SO off to GMC we went. SHe was a doll....a total trooper to go to the hospital. SHe was SUCH a big girl and yes I am bragging on her. She was so brave. They did exam and gave motrin and after motrin kicked in she said "oh I feel better lets go home now". The xrays were negative but since she had such pin point tenderness she was surprise nothing was broken and there might be hairline fracture of clavicle but we are to do nothing but Motrin and rest. PRaise God that nothing was fractured. We are so pleased with that. The trip went well as it could have gone. Rylie was such a big girl I can not tell you enough. She entertained everyone there wishing them a "happy thanksgiving" it was so cute. I ask you to pray over complete healing of her arm. We are going to rty to get some sleep our ENTIRE family is coming to eat dinner at our house friday night...pray for us;)
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Trip to the ER tonight
We just got back from the ER at Gwinnett Medical Center. Rylie fell off Grannie Cain's porch today around 2:30 fell approx 3 feet on left shoulder. She jumped up and wimpered a smidge and then went back to playing hide and seek. She feel asleep in the car and then carried to bed and slept till 5:30. She awoke crying and complaing about her neck and shoulder hurting. SHe was gaurding it and not moving it much. I tried to get her to reach for a cookie and she tried but jerked arm back and started crying. So I knew she would need an xray but wanted someone else to tell me that as well. Telephone advice nurse told me to take her to ER. SO off to GMC we went. SHe was a doll....a total trooper to go to the hospital. SHe was SUCH a big girl and yes I am bragging on her. She was so brave. They did exam and gave motrin and after motrin kicked in she said "oh I feel better lets go home now". The xrays were negative but since she had such pin point tenderness she was surprise nothing was broken and there might be hairline fracture of clavicle but we are to do nothing but Motrin and rest. PRaise God that nothing was fractured. We are so pleased with that. The trip went well as it could have gone. Rylie was such a big girl I can not tell you enough. She entertained everyone there wishing them a "happy thanksgiving" it was so cute. I ask you to pray over complete healing of her arm. We are going to rty to get some sleep our ENTIRE family is coming to eat dinner at our house friday night...pray for us;)
our baby shower
This is some pictures from our baby shower for Beckham. Thanks for all the people who came and everyone who got Beckham something.God has truely blessed us with wonderful people to share this experience with and we praise him and thank him for you guys. Beckham is growing up so much already. He is so alert and such a good sweet baby. He is so easy and laid back...He is just a joy and blessing for us...
A couple that used Christian Adoption Counsultants
This was a couple that was lead to their baby boy with the help of Amy Young and her company. Too precious not to share with everyone. Adoption is obviously so near and dear to our hearts. I have said since Rylie's adoption that God wants me to help with others who are dealing with infertility. I just have not figured out where he is trying to lead me, until then I will continue putting up thing like these on our blog...God Bless you!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Adoption what a blessin!!
Just wanted to share this video. With our adoption of Rylie Amy Young was one of the ones that we worked with for being a tool to lead us to our baby girl. She started her own company and I just loved her. Please watch this sweet sweet video and see all the families that she has helped with adoption through God of course. She is an amazing christian and has a heart for adoption with two adopted children of her own. If ANYONE you know is thinking about adoption they are having a seminar December 6th in atlanta to discuss the ins and outs of adoption but they are precious people. We will always be indebted to Amy as being a small peice in the puzzle of our little Rylie. Our Beckham was our "bonus baby" from God as well and was Private adoption.
Take care and Happy thanksgiving...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Lilly Anne Kiley debut today!!
Got great news Lilly, Dayna and Tater's Brad Kiley's daughter made her debut at 1:01weighing in at 7lbs 4 oz and 20 inches long. All are doing great per Brad!!!! We can't wait to meet her...
(all stats are from my memory of our conversation any incorrect numbers please forgive me I am sleep deprived all of which the Kiley's are about to participate in)
Congratulations guys and we love you bunches!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(all stats are from my memory of our conversation any incorrect numbers please forgive me I am sleep deprived all of which the Kiley's are about to participate in)
Congratulations guys and we love you bunches!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In the wacky world of two!!
So we are doing good at this point totally sleep depriced but blessed non the less...Beckham is doing great...enjoying his new little world...Rylie on the other hand has a ear infection and bronchitis...fun fun fun for her...she has been such a trooper though..but the hard part is keeping her away from Beckham...man she has to kiss him everytime you turn around. You have to have major hawk eyes with her. I took her to MD yesterday and she is now on antibiotic treatment and healing. I worked half a day yesterday and today and will work half day on friday. I am off next week which was in the books since january. But man that monday morning killed Robbie and I both. We were not ready. My mom is keeping the babies for now until he gets a little older. I missed them both so much. One because he is so small and we are still trying to figure him out and then Rylie because she is sick and cried for me when I was leaving for work. It was so heartbreaking. But I survived;)
This morning was the craziest morning. Rylie had nightmare and woke up early and didn't want to go back to bed and Beckham decided he was going to wake up at 6 and it was nowhere time to eat and he was WIDE awake ready for his day. So I was entertaining two while trying to get ready for work..I finally gave up and wore headband and barely any makeup...I know I will get this all down in time...Right???
This morning was the craziest morning. Rylie had nightmare and woke up early and didn't want to go back to bed and Beckham decided he was going to wake up at 6 and it was nowhere time to eat and he was WIDE awake ready for his day. So I was entertaining two while trying to get ready for work..I finally gave up and wore headband and barely any makeup...I know I will get this all down in time...Right???
Saturday, November 15, 2008
two weeks today!
can you believe our little guy is two weeks old today. He is so cute...He is starting to fill out those wrinkles now...we just have got to get him to sleeping and eating better through the night...
Our baby girl is sick right now..we are trying to keep her from Beckham as much as possible, however she find the need to kiss him when she leaves a room and whe nshe reenters it is soo funny....she through a toy on him today it was a soft one of his toys but nontheless threw it on his head...poor guy..we have a feeling there is so much more of that to come....all he gets is a face full of blonde hair every few mminutes when she is around...he will catch up that is for sure...
Rylie is running around like crazy geeked up on decongestants but has a cough sounds bad, but has not slowed her down in the least. We are probably going to take one more week off from church. I miss everyone SOO much but can't put Rye in class at church and don't forsee her sitting all through a service and us being new with a new little one..too much for me for one morning;)
anyway just wanted to let eveyone know we are alive and well for the most part....tension headache from the georgia game and the last minute drive by auburn...come on dawgs...wake up!!!!! where have you been lately??? too stressful to watch them lately....
Our baby girl is sick right now..we are trying to keep her from Beckham as much as possible, however she find the need to kiss him when she leaves a room and whe nshe reenters it is soo funny....she through a toy on him today it was a soft one of his toys but nontheless threw it on his head...poor guy..we have a feeling there is so much more of that to come....all he gets is a face full of blonde hair every few mminutes when she is around...he will catch up that is for sure...
Rylie is running around like crazy geeked up on decongestants but has a cough sounds bad, but has not slowed her down in the least. We are probably going to take one more week off from church. I miss everyone SOO much but can't put Rye in class at church and don't forsee her sitting all through a service and us being new with a new little one..too much for me for one morning;)
anyway just wanted to let eveyone know we are alive and well for the most part....tension headache from the georgia game and the last minute drive by auburn...come on dawgs...wake up!!!!! where have you been lately??? too stressful to watch them lately....
Thursday, November 13, 2008
the waiting period is over...praise be to God!!1
Praise God the revocation period is over....He is offically ours...and now we can precede with the finalization process....God is so good to us and we deserve nothing...God has answered all of our prayers and we appreciate all of you guys praying for us during this time!!!! Beckham is just our bonus baby. He was such a blessing and surprise from up above and we praise HIM for Beckham. Only God himself could have orcestrated all of this....
Please continue to pray over the finalization process and also for there not to be any yes ANY medical costs that were not covered by our birthmother's insurance. We have agreed to pay anything that is not covered. Please pray for God's mercy to cover all the little extra's for us....
Please continue to pray over the finalization process and also for there not to be any yes ANY medical costs that were not covered by our birthmother's insurance. We have agreed to pay anything that is not covered. Please pray for God's mercy to cover all the little extra's for us....
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
When the clock strikes midnight;)
So finally I have had a minute to post some pictures of our little man. Rylie went to Gigi's today to play with girls for a little while and mommy and daddy got some alone time with Beckham and time to do the pictures and update you guys.
When the clock strikes midnight tonight Beckham will be ours. The revocation period will be over and then we move forward with finalization in making him legally a Beddingfield even though he already is in our hearts :)
We are so blessed with so many people praying for us. We appreciate our small group providing us with meals this week. You guys have been a blessing to us.
Beckham is doing good he has started with a lot of fussiness at night even with the formula change their has not been a change with fussiness and gassiness. So pediatrician said today via phone that it is too early to change formula as of yet...hold out for one more week. She said I know you dont want to hear it but it may be the dreaded "c" word (colic) We pray that it is not and ask you to pray that his little tummy gets straightend out. He still has a small hemaginoma above his right eye aka "stork bite" that is resolving but not completly gone. They said it would take several weeks and he still have naval cord thing...we need Mikki to come and knock his off like Rylie's. HAHA that was so funny for those of you who have no idea what I am talking about. The day we brought Rylie home Mikki touched Rylie's cord and the little thing fell off Freaked Mikki and me totally out...I just don't like those little things...
Rylie is adjusting very well. Better than we have ever expeceted. She hits the floor looking for her "little man" It is so sweet. The only problem is at bedtime she only wants mommy to hold her not Beckham. So it is tough at feeding time at her bedtime so we are working through all of that. But all in all she is his little mommy;)
Mommy and Daddy are doing good for sleep deprived people. We want the clock to strike midnight for sure so we all can take a deep breath out....
Well just wanted to update you gotta go get baby girl!!!
God Bless and keep those prayers up for healing for Beckham!!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Tanning in speedo's works:)
Beckham's bilirubin is down today so no more blood work at this time. He went to pediatrician today and had gained 3 oz and was 20inches long. She said he is doing great and that we don't have to come back until one month checkup since there was a weight gain:)
Praise God he is doing good...
Guess all that sunbathing in his speedo AKA pamper's paid off;)
Praise God he is doing good...
Guess all that sunbathing in his speedo AKA pamper's paid off;)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
SO today Beckham's bilirubin level is at 13.8 up from 10.2, and he has to go back in am to get it redrawn and then go to doctor's at 11am. If the number is going down great if not he has to get home health to do bililights. He is doing great...eating and pooping like little babies do.
We are all doing great...loving life right now and completly in love with our new little blessing...
We are all doing great...loving life right now and completly in love with our new little blessing...
Rough night!!
Man now we remember all about those sleeplessness nights:) He did great the first night and last night he wanted to eat about every 2 yes two hours....but it is a good thing for him to eat and poo to get out all of the bilirubin...I have got to run to take a shower while the house is quiet;) and then take him to go get his bilirubin done. Pray all goes well...continue to pray for our birthparents. We are madly in love with our little guy...it is unbelievable to think our BM was going to abort this baby and God had bigger and better plans for Beckham...Praise God for whom all blessings flow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Dang old Bilirubin!!
Beckham's bilirubin is up from 8.9 to 10.2 so we go back in am to have it retested...Pray that it all clears up...Everyone is great on this end though...Just praising God for our blessing!!
WE are home with baby Beckham..Rylie got to meet him this morning...it was so sweet...dont have to much time to blog will tell you guys all about it later...
prya that bilirubin test we are having done today is normal....
feel free to visit we will be here all afternoon and night..we are leaving now to get bilirubin test done...!!
keep praying for Birthparents and us!!
OH and also it is only 10 straight days weekends DO count...PRAISE GOD>>>>KEEP PRAYING!!
prya that bilirubin test we are having done today is normal....
feel free to visit we will be here all afternoon and night..we are leaving now to get bilirubin test done...!!
keep praying for Birthparents and us!!
OH and also it is only 10 straight days weekends DO count...PRAISE GOD>>>>KEEP PRAYING!!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Prayer for Beckham
BF states Beckham is a little jaundice this am and they are trying to decide if they are going to discharge him today or not...pray that they do...we cant stand it much longer...we are at home pacing like caged animals....
continue to pray over Birthparents for them to have peace over their adoption placement and also over the next 14 days...
continue to pray over Birthparents for them to have peace over their adoption placement and also over the next 14 days...
Faith, Family and Friends
Our family picture after the day saturday that our BM was giving birth soon 3 will be 4:)
Rylie playing catch with daddy
Our friends Dayna and Brad aka Tater...invited us over to watch the masacre of Georgia Bulldogs. We didn't make it until after half time because we were at home emotionally dealing with our son Beckham possibly being born and us not being there. We were scared and upset but being around our friends that have supported us through Rylie's adoption and will through this one made things bearable. We found out that Beckham was born via text mail (it's 2008 I guess that is how they roll?) and we were so excited, but so despiratly wanted to be there, but God had different plans and we got to see him yesterday afternoon and he is PERFECT....Thanks you guys for all that you do...we love you and no more georgia parties at your house we can have them here:0 ..ok
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Our visit with our son, Beckham





We got to go to hospital at 5pm tonight to meet with BM and see baby Beckham...He is adorable...He is so tiny and has the smallest little ears...but the biggest feet I have seen on a kid. Robbie is not blood related but man does he have feet like his daddy;)
Those toes could climb trees for sure:) He was so sweet and just was cuddled up so tight in his blanket. We left him a bear blanket Lovie for him. We dont have dicharge time as of yet, but BM and baby are doing great. She looked really good, BF was not there. I spoke with BM mom she is such a sweetheart and she said she hopes this is the begining of the end of their relationship. So praise GOD that we got signatures signed from him. Please continue to pray we still have to get discharged to us and past the 10 day revocation period in state of georgia. We feel there will be no problem at all with this....God has brought us this far not to let us down:)
GOD bless and we are going to TRY to get a nights sleep since we didn't last night:)
Those toes could climb trees for sure:) He was so sweet and just was cuddled up so tight in his blanket. We left him a bear blanket Lovie for him. We dont have dicharge time as of yet, but BM and baby are doing great. She looked really good, BF was not there. I spoke with BM mom she is such a sweetheart and she said she hopes this is the begining of the end of their relationship. So praise GOD that we got signatures signed from him. Please continue to pray we still have to get discharged to us and past the 10 day revocation period in state of georgia. We feel there will be no problem at all with this....God has brought us this far not to let us down:)
GOD bless and we are going to TRY to get a nights sleep since we didn't last night:)
James Beckham Beddingfield
Baby Beckham was born at 6:23 weighing in at 7 lbs 3 oz and 19 1/2 inches long...BF/BM/ and Beckham are all doing well...BM is having some bleeding and they want to keep her till tomorrow. So they both will be discharge tomorrow. Birthparents HAVE SIGNED THE SURRENDERS THIS MORNING ....PRAISE GOD!!!!!
These are pictures that the BF shared with us. The first one is right after birth. He was a swollen little pudgy thing. I said he look vietamese with those little eyes:)
The second one is today after circumcision:(
Of all of his hair and little cone head:)
Isn't he adorable!!! Can't wait to get my hands on him
The second one is today after circumcision:(
Of all of his hair and little cone head:)
Isn't he adorable!!! Can't wait to get my hands on him
Saturday, November 1, 2008
BM text me and said that they are tired and want to spend some time with the baby and can we come tomorrow AFTERNOON..........of course I had to say yes but stated that the attorney would be coming around 11...
He text me just now and said that the after the attorney leaves they will call us to come to see baby.
so that is our latest the attorney is set to go at 11 in am for surrenders and then we WAIT...which is something that we are use to:)
God is in control of this ENTIRE adoption and I have to take a back seat and realize I have no control over this...
Our attorney said the best situation is for them to sign and then just call when baby is ready to be discharged....then they never have to see us the adoptive parents have "their moment with the baby" that they should be having if that makes sense...they don't have to see us with their baby...it is just a decision that they make and they move on...they don't see all the other stuff....
continue to pray pray pray...we need it for sure...........
check it out Beckham's 11/1 which is Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Thanks sissy;)
He text me just now and said that the after the attorney leaves they will call us to come to see baby.
so that is our latest the attorney is set to go at 11 in am for surrenders and then we WAIT...which is something that we are use to:)
God is in control of this ENTIRE adoption and I have to take a back seat and realize I have no control over this...
Our attorney said the best situation is for them to sign and then just call when baby is ready to be discharged....then they never have to see us the adoptive parents have "their moment with the baby" that they should be having if that makes sense...they don't have to see us with their baby...it is just a decision that they make and they move on...they don't see all the other stuff....
continue to pray pray pray...we need it for sure...........
check it out Beckham's 11/1 which is Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Thanks sissy;)
UPdate on Beckham!!
That was the earlier blog post at 2pm this afternoon...here is the latest update...Our baby boy made it into the world at 6:23pm tonight weighing 7lb and 3 oz..we are still waiting on other statistics. As above mentioned our BF wants quality time alone with baby. We know we serve an amazing God and he has brought us this far and will deliver to us our son. BM and Beckham are doing good per BF, he even sent us a picture of him via phone...He was all swollen and pudgy and of course adorable to us...
we just can't wait to hold him...the attorney finally called later in the day and said that there is nothing that we can do, and we wait till tomorrow. I texted BF that we would be coming in the morning with no reply to that we are waiting to hear back about the height and etc. so continue to pray for all of us...Robbie is strong and solid but I would love to say the same for me:)
That was the earlier blog post at 2pm this afternoon...here is the latest update...Our baby boy made it into the world at 6:23pm tonight weighing 7lb and 3 oz..we are still waiting on other statistics. As above mentioned our BF wants quality time alone with baby. We know we serve an amazing God and he has brought us this far and will deliver to us our son. BM and Beckham are doing good per BF, he even sent us a picture of him via phone...He was all swollen and pudgy and of course adorable to us...
we just can't wait to hold him...the attorney finally called later in the day and said that there is nothing that we can do, and we wait till tomorrow. I texted BF that we would be coming in the morning with no reply to that we are waiting to hear back about the height and etc. so continue to pray for all of us...Robbie is strong and solid but I would love to say the same for me:)
Yet another example of God's goodness!!
SO yesterday I was running late to work as usual. Listening to the Fish as they explained police patrol would be at it's highest being halloween and all. well right then on 20 I get pulled over....going 19 yes 19 miles over speed limit....I was a freaking mess all I saw was dollar signs that we didn't have. I tried my dangest to get out of it (just ask Jami I have a way with that) but not yesterday no sir yee bob...mister popo was from Michigen ....he cared less I was a Georgia fan, adopting a baby or a NP or nurse in ER. All my antics failed me...I was crushed to say the list. Then I get to work ONLY to see our BM's MOM on the schedule...what the heck...so satan took over...I have not heard from BM and all of a sudden she is coming in wanting to see me... I text a bunch of peeps to lift me up in prayer because I was havign a hard time with it all...well I told syed that I couldnt see her our sttorney advised against it until after adoption finalization. But God used even the little muslim man in his plan. Dr. Syed said after I already told him HE would have to see her...he walks out with briefcase to leave early I said oh...she is here he said it will be ok...just go see her...well then I PRAYED hard for the strenght...Now this women is a very nice lady. I have no problems with her but you don't want to jeopardize anything this close in the game....
Well I saw her took care of her problem and then asked about BM. She said she was great her appt went well. she didn't know all the answers to my questions. She did say she was 50% effaced and not sure on dialtion. She said BM was extremely scared of the pain of delivery. She was consummed by it and kept asking her mom about how painful it was. THe mom said that they were still 100% on adoption plan when I asked her about it. She said she can not keep this baby. She wants to finish school and she will have to delay school for the baby if she kept it. The Mom started crying and hugged me (!!??) and said I am so happy that she choice you guys and you are going to adopt this baby. I could have not picked a nicer couple to adopt this baby. You will take good care of him and we know that. She was very sincere. I told her I had been stressed about her not calling and she didn't have an explanation for that except she said she was really stressed about delivery not about the adoption plan. I repeated what Robbie had said about her porbably waiting until she goes into labor to call us again and she said she wouldn't doubt that she would do that. She said that the doctors told her he would probably come next week(as if they know) and then would not let her go a week over her due date...So I was very relieved to have had this converstation with mom. She eased my mind for sure....And this is just an example of God answering prayers and using any type of people to fullfill his plan. He has been so good to us through all of this adoption. Please continue to pray for us.
Well I saw her took care of her problem and then asked about BM. She said she was great her appt went well. she didn't know all the answers to my questions. She did say she was 50% effaced and not sure on dialtion. She said BM was extremely scared of the pain of delivery. She was consummed by it and kept asking her mom about how painful it was. THe mom said that they were still 100% on adoption plan when I asked her about it. She said she can not keep this baby. She wants to finish school and she will have to delay school for the baby if she kept it. The Mom started crying and hugged me (!!??) and said I am so happy that she choice you guys and you are going to adopt this baby. I could have not picked a nicer couple to adopt this baby. You will take good care of him and we know that. She was very sincere. I told her I had been stressed about her not calling and she didn't have an explanation for that except she said she was really stressed about delivery not about the adoption plan. I repeated what Robbie had said about her porbably waiting until she goes into labor to call us again and she said she wouldn't doubt that she would do that. She said that the doctors told her he would probably come next week(as if they know) and then would not let her go a week over her due date...So I was very relieved to have had this converstation with mom. She eased my mind for sure....And this is just an example of God answering prayers and using any type of people to fullfill his plan. He has been so good to us through all of this adoption. Please continue to pray for us.
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