Wednesday, November 12, 2008

When the clock strikes midnight;)

So finally I have had a minute to post some pictures of our little man. Rylie went to Gigi's today to play with girls for a little while and mommy and daddy got some alone time with Beckham and time to do the pictures and update you guys.
When the clock strikes midnight tonight Beckham will be ours. The revocation period will be over and then we move forward with finalization in making him legally a Beddingfield even though he already is in our hearts :)
We are so blessed with so many people praying for us. We appreciate our small group providing us with meals this week. You guys have been a blessing to us.
Beckham is doing good he has started with a lot of fussiness at night even with the formula change their has not been a change with fussiness and gassiness. So pediatrician said today via phone that it is too early to change formula as of yet...hold out for one more week. She said I know you dont want to hear it but it may be the dreaded "c" word (colic) We pray that it is not and ask you to pray that his little tummy gets straightend out. He still has a small hemaginoma above his right eye aka "stork bite" that is resolving but not completly gone. They said it would take several weeks and he still have naval cord thing...we need Mikki to come and knock his off like Rylie's. HAHA that was so funny for those of you who have no idea what I am talking about. The day we brought Rylie home Mikki touched Rylie's cord and the little thing fell off Freaked Mikki and me totally out...I just don't like those little things...
Rylie is adjusting very well. Better than we have ever expeceted. She hits the floor looking for her "little man" It is so sweet. The only problem is at bedtime she only wants mommy to hold her not Beckham. So it is tough at feeding time at her bedtime so we are working through all of that. But all in all she is his little mommy;)
Mommy and Daddy are doing good for sleep deprived people. We want the clock to strike midnight for sure so we all can take a deep breath out....
Well just wanted to update you gotta go get baby girl!!!
God Bless and keep those prayers up for healing for Beckham!!

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