I have an urgent prayer request..my BIL Ronnie went back into hospital today with an abscess to back where he just had back surgery 14 days ago..they had to take him back into surgery drain the area and then leave it open with a drain to allow it to heal..he will be in hospital for 4-5 days and that is not away to start new year off....
They are having financial difficulites and this will ONLY set them back that much more...
then Kelley Peppers a good friend of ours lost her grandmother this week...she was 94 and lived a long life, but a huge loss to their family...like many families I am sure she was the centerblock of the family...
please pray for these families during their tough times....
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
our Butterbean part one
It is hard to believe that Beckham is already 7 weeks...man time flies....he has been such a blessing to us. He is one of the best babies. He hardly cries, he is definatly eating if you can not tell by the pictures. I could just eat him up. You can not even look at him sometimes when he eats he jsut stops and smiles and milk runs out both sides of his mouth. We are looking forward to this christmas with our new little one. Rylie has been getting into the excite me of christmas and we are just thrilled about this year and can only imagine next year. We hope everyone has a merry Christmas and God Bless!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Annual ornament exchange at the Willards!
It has become tradition to have an ornament exchange at the Willards with the gang every year. Just in the past few years our group has changed alot. Especially this year we have added on two new babies, Lilly (Dayna and Brad's lil girl) and Beckham our whopper of a boy;) It is so nice to get everyone together and have a great meal and just hang out and tell stories, not to mention get great ornaments. With every passing year there seems to be more and more UGA ornaments...we walked away this year with one UGA ornament and a little ducky ornament which was so fitting with the new baby. Everyone's lives are so busy especially around christmas and it is nice to slow down and be around great friends and celebrate our friendship and each other. THanks to Troy and Brandi for allowing us to get together at your house. We had a wonderful time. Enjoy the pictures from our evening. I did not take any of the actual ornament exchange because around that time Beckham decided to throw up dinner all down my shirt and his clothes and take a big poo, so mommy aka family picture taker was preoccupied:)
Have a blessed day!!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Our first pictures as family of 4-christmas 2008
We went to portrait innovations and they were CRAZY...we have been mulitple times before but man this time was unreal...Beckham was asleep the entire first session and then Rylie was done by the second session..she was hungry...fun times I tell you but pictures are one of my favorite things!!
Just a little of what is going on with us !
Hey guys,
Just wanted to update you on things that are going on in our world. I took Rylie and Beckham to the doctor yesterday. Beckham was for his ONE month check up can you believe it...He is 5 weeks now and had to get one shot yesterday. He was a trooper as well and let out one whimper and looked at me like why did you do that and it was over. He did so good. Dr. Molock just played with him. She was the actual doctor that took care of him when he was in hospital and meet with birthparents. She has been Rylie's MD from the beginning and she said she is so excited to get to see them grow and know that she took care of him in hospital and meet Birthparents. It is so cool how things all work out. Ok so she says Beckham is obviously doing great because his weight was 11 lbs & 1.5 oz WOW can you believe it. I knew he was growing into his skin:0, but man REALLY 11lbs...she said she can't say I don't feed him. We have been doing a minut amount of cereal in his bottle for past few weeks to hold him over at night, but it doesn't work. I told her I think the cereal just stimulated his appetite, and he eats more. She said no that boys typically eat more, and that he was just going to be a big baby. And later down the line it would all even out. She said Beckham will weigh what Rylie weighs now 26lbs when he is 6months. That is her prediction, and she said that is ok most boys will do that and then after toddler age even out.
Here is his stats:
Weight 11lbs 1.5oz 66% percentile
height 22 1/4 inches 57% percentile
HC 15 34% percentile Rylie weighed 10.4 at her TWO month checkup..
Beckham is such a sweet soul. He smiles and just looks at you with those trusting eyes. He grunts when he is hungry and crys only if his belly is hurting him. Other than those two things he smiles and cooing now. He loves to ride in the car and hates to have his arms bundled down in the blanket he likes his arms free. It is so sweet. He has sprayed all most everyone in the family already. You have to be quick with his diaper changing something we didn't have to worry about with Rylie.
Rylie is still being a little mommy but at times gettting a little more jealous now. But that is only understandable. There was a lady at church the other day holding Beckham and she looked at me and said "get Beckham back" and I told her no Kathy is holding Beckham and she told her daddy to..well I GUESS she felt we were not listening to her and so she told Kathy politly in a rude way "GIVE ME MY BECKHAM BACK, NOW!!" and we all cracked up because she meant it. She shows ownership to him unless it is al nightime and she wants only mommy's attention.
I took Rylie for a recheck on her ear infection afew weeks back. She still has a viral cough and they told me it was nothing to worry about wait 5 days, etc...the same old stuff I tell all of my patients and what I thought they would say, but wanted to hear from someone else. I try not to doctor my babies, because if I was to ever misdiagnos it would kill me and that is (prayfully) why we have insurance as well. So I pray all of her cough clears up. Yesterday at walmart I was getting on to her about being ugly it was nap time and she was being snippy and I told her Santa might not come and he is always watching you...and no lie an off duty Santa in his overalls walked right around the corner in walmart and her face was PRICELESS...I mean I could not have written it any better..man she straighten up for awhile until he was out of sight;)
Robbie and I are great ready for a wonderful christmas season with our family. Robbie has two large projects that he is working on and will have till end of the month he had to work this past saturday and probably this saturday to help finish it due to the holiday coming up. PRAISE God for the overtime, because I have had a limited work schedule just until Beckham gets a little older and more mature immune system to go to Gigi's with the other kiddies. My work has been busy lots of sick folks LOTS of walk ins. I feel like going through a haz mat decon room before coming home to my family.
All is well in the Beddingfield household. We are still trying to get use to having two kiddos. With the cold rainy weather it is hard to get out and just go anywhere. I can not wait to see everyone saturday at the party!!! looking forward to it hope everyone can make it to the Willards!!
well I have rambled enough..the babies are both asleep and I actually have some alone computer time to get my thoughts together;)
Take care and I hope ALL of you have a blessed christmas and remember the true meaning of chritmas and celebrate!! If anyone does not have a home church feel free to come visit Chestnut mountain church...it is the BEST church in the world and we are not biased!!! That last bit sounded like a TV ad..but really our doors are always open and we can always meet you there!!
Take care and GOD bless!
Love, Robbie, Billie, Rylie and Beckham
Just wanted to update you on things that are going on in our world. I took Rylie and Beckham to the doctor yesterday. Beckham was for his ONE month check up can you believe it...He is 5 weeks now and had to get one shot yesterday. He was a trooper as well and let out one whimper and looked at me like why did you do that and it was over. He did so good. Dr. Molock just played with him. She was the actual doctor that took care of him when he was in hospital and meet with birthparents. She has been Rylie's MD from the beginning and she said she is so excited to get to see them grow and know that she took care of him in hospital and meet Birthparents. It is so cool how things all work out. Ok so she says Beckham is obviously doing great because his weight was 11 lbs & 1.5 oz WOW can you believe it. I knew he was growing into his skin:0, but man REALLY 11lbs...she said she can't say I don't feed him. We have been doing a minut amount of cereal in his bottle for past few weeks to hold him over at night, but it doesn't work. I told her I think the cereal just stimulated his appetite, and he eats more. She said no that boys typically eat more, and that he was just going to be a big baby. And later down the line it would all even out. She said Beckham will weigh what Rylie weighs now 26lbs when he is 6months. That is her prediction, and she said that is ok most boys will do that and then after toddler age even out.
Here is his stats:
Weight 11lbs 1.5oz 66% percentile
height 22 1/4 inches 57% percentile
HC 15 34% percentile Rylie weighed 10.4 at her TWO month checkup..
Beckham is such a sweet soul. He smiles and just looks at you with those trusting eyes. He grunts when he is hungry and crys only if his belly is hurting him. Other than those two things he smiles and cooing now. He loves to ride in the car and hates to have his arms bundled down in the blanket he likes his arms free. It is so sweet. He has sprayed all most everyone in the family already. You have to be quick with his diaper changing something we didn't have to worry about with Rylie.
Rylie is still being a little mommy but at times gettting a little more jealous now. But that is only understandable. There was a lady at church the other day holding Beckham and she looked at me and said "get Beckham back" and I told her no Kathy is holding Beckham and she told her daddy to..well I GUESS she felt we were not listening to her and so she told Kathy politly in a rude way "GIVE ME MY BECKHAM BACK, NOW!!" and we all cracked up because she meant it. She shows ownership to him unless it is al nightime and she wants only mommy's attention.
I took Rylie for a recheck on her ear infection afew weeks back. She still has a viral cough and they told me it was nothing to worry about wait 5 days, etc...the same old stuff I tell all of my patients and what I thought they would say, but wanted to hear from someone else. I try not to doctor my babies, because if I was to ever misdiagnos it would kill me and that is (prayfully) why we have insurance as well. So I pray all of her cough clears up. Yesterday at walmart I was getting on to her about being ugly it was nap time and she was being snippy and I told her Santa might not come and he is always watching you...and no lie an off duty Santa in his overalls walked right around the corner in walmart and her face was PRICELESS...I mean I could not have written it any better..man she straighten up for awhile until he was out of sight;)
Robbie and I are great ready for a wonderful christmas season with our family. Robbie has two large projects that he is working on and will have till end of the month he had to work this past saturday and probably this saturday to help finish it due to the holiday coming up. PRAISE God for the overtime, because I have had a limited work schedule just until Beckham gets a little older and more mature immune system to go to Gigi's with the other kiddies. My work has been busy lots of sick folks LOTS of walk ins. I feel like going through a haz mat decon room before coming home to my family.
All is well in the Beddingfield household. We are still trying to get use to having two kiddos. With the cold rainy weather it is hard to get out and just go anywhere. I can not wait to see everyone saturday at the party!!! looking forward to it hope everyone can make it to the Willards!!
well I have rambled enough..the babies are both asleep and I actually have some alone computer time to get my thoughts together;)
Take care and I hope ALL of you have a blessed christmas and remember the true meaning of chritmas and celebrate!! If anyone does not have a home church feel free to come visit Chestnut mountain church...it is the BEST church in the world and we are not biased!!! That last bit sounded like a TV ad..but really our doors are always open and we can always meet you there!!
Take care and GOD bless!
Love, Robbie, Billie, Rylie and Beckham
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Some pictures to share!!
She heard one of us say " what the " but we didn't say the last part it was all by accident and she filled in the last part for us (hell) and just smiled like she did us a favor...we ignored it for this time but man did it make us feel REALLY bad!!!! leason learned!!!!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Not a word spoken!!
It is amazing how God answers prayers and acts on your behalf without you even asking for Him to do so. David Clark at CMC can vouched for God doing that for him. Well as you know I am a mother of 2 adoptees...they are two of God's greatest gifts to to us. Well I have had a secret desire in my heart after adopting Rylie and only shared with a couple of people. I have felt I needed to work with couples dealing with infertility or with couples thinking about adoption. Since Rylie I have healed turn a couple on to adoption and they went and adopted a little boy and could not be happier...Also I talk with my patients at work that have struggled with infertility...who better to minister than someone who has walked in the fire. Well through CR I also felt like God was trying to pull me in that direction as well. I never prayed to him about it or voiced anything outside of my head. Well I emailed the one half of the couple that assisted us in our adoption journey on Rylie and told her about Beckham. Well she emailed me back and told me that they have started an adoption agency in Georgia and was needed some help with getting the word out and marketing and wanted to meet with me...Man I just started crying and prayed to God to use me in the way that He needed to us me with this. I just feel such a burden for these women having abortions and NEVER thinking about the other options...such as adoption or keeping the baby. I just feel that they need education to know that there is a baby there and it is not "just tissue". SO I wanted to share this with everyone. I do not know where God is going to lead me. I am blessed to be able to share adoption and infertility woes with my patients and if that is what God intends for me to do then that is enough, but if he wants to use me more than I am up for the task. I just wanted to share how good my God is and how he is always there for you and hears everything and only wants the best for us. Sometimes you don't even have to ask and he hears and answeres prayers...Isn't that AWESOME to serve a God like that;)
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
just some candid shots of our family
When Rylie was a baby she tried to suck on my chin if I was to get close in her face to give her loving and Beckham did the same thing and Robbie got a picture of it ...it was so sweet...
Then one is of him getting use to the infant carrier..There is not much room for him and boobies...poor guy...
There is one of RYlie, Beckham and Me that is our every night before bedtime..good thing I have a lap big enough for two...I told Robbie a few more babies might could fit...and he choked on his drink;)
then there is one of daddy and Beckham
Lilly Anne Kiley
Here are some pictures of our first meeting with the light of the Kileys world right now, little miss Lilly. She is such a sweet baby...you can just tell it..she looks just like Brad. SHe was so cute in her little outfit doing all of her new yoga poses;) too sweet..Thanks for letting us come and visit you guys!!
Give Thanks



We have so much to be thankful for this year. I wanted to make a list but I would be here forever. The most present blessing is the birth of our son. God used such imperfect people to fulfil his perfect plan for Beckham. He is an amazing God that we serve and I am so thankful for my relationship with him. That is number one on my list for sure. I could go on and on but will spare you and I have to feed Beckham....but we have so much more than we ever deserve that is for sure...
above are just a couple of pics from Thanksgiving. one is of Bryant wearing his annual thanksgiving bib...just kidding Beckham let him borrow his;)
and then there is one of Collin and Rylie two adoptees...looking so freaking cute I cant stand it...they both are such great kids...
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Trip to the ER tonight
We just got back from the ER at Gwinnett Medical Center. Rylie fell off Grannie Cain's porch today around 2:30 fell approx 3 feet on left shoulder. She jumped up and wimpered a smidge and then went back to playing hide and seek. She feel asleep in the car and then carried to bed and slept till 5:30. She awoke crying and complaing about her neck and shoulder hurting. SHe was gaurding it and not moving it much. I tried to get her to reach for a cookie and she tried but jerked arm back and started crying. So I knew she would need an xray but wanted someone else to tell me that as well. Telephone advice nurse told me to take her to ER. SO off to GMC we went. SHe was a doll....a total trooper to go to the hospital. SHe was SUCH a big girl and yes I am bragging on her. She was so brave. They did exam and gave motrin and after motrin kicked in she said "oh I feel better lets go home now". The xrays were negative but since she had such pin point tenderness she was surprise nothing was broken and there might be hairline fracture of clavicle but we are to do nothing but Motrin and rest. PRaise God that nothing was fractured. We are so pleased with that. The trip went well as it could have gone. Rylie was such a big girl I can not tell you enough. She entertained everyone there wishing them a "happy thanksgiving" it was so cute. I ask you to pray over complete healing of her arm. We are going to rty to get some sleep our ENTIRE family is coming to eat dinner at our house friday night...pray for us;)
our baby shower
This is some pictures from our baby shower for Beckham. Thanks for all the people who came and everyone who got Beckham something.God has truely blessed us with wonderful people to share this experience with and we praise him and thank him for you guys. Beckham is growing up so much already. He is so alert and such a good sweet baby. He is so easy and laid back...He is just a joy and blessing for us...
A couple that used Christian Adoption Counsultants
This was a couple that was lead to their baby boy with the help of Amy Young and her company. Too precious not to share with everyone. Adoption is obviously so near and dear to our hearts. I have said since Rylie's adoption that God wants me to help with others who are dealing with infertility. I just have not figured out where he is trying to lead me, until then I will continue putting up thing like these on our blog...God Bless you!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Adoption what a blessin!!
Just wanted to share this video. With our adoption of Rylie Amy Young was one of the ones that we worked with for being a tool to lead us to our baby girl. She started her own company and I just loved her. Please watch this sweet sweet video and see all the families that she has helped with adoption through God of course. She is an amazing christian and has a heart for adoption with two adopted children of her own. If ANYONE you know is thinking about adoption they are having a seminar December 6th in atlanta to discuss the ins and outs of adoption but they are precious people. We will always be indebted to Amy as being a small peice in the puzzle of our little Rylie. Our Beckham was our "bonus baby" from God as well and was Private adoption.
Take care and Happy thanksgiving...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Lilly Anne Kiley debut today!!
Got great news Lilly, Dayna and Tater's Brad Kiley's daughter made her debut at 1:01weighing in at 7lbs 4 oz and 20 inches long. All are doing great per Brad!!!! We can't wait to meet her...
(all stats are from my memory of our conversation any incorrect numbers please forgive me I am sleep deprived all of which the Kiley's are about to participate in)
Congratulations guys and we love you bunches!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(all stats are from my memory of our conversation any incorrect numbers please forgive me I am sleep deprived all of which the Kiley's are about to participate in)
Congratulations guys and we love you bunches!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In the wacky world of two!!
So we are doing good at this point totally sleep depriced but blessed non the less...Beckham is doing great...enjoying his new little world...Rylie on the other hand has a ear infection and bronchitis...fun fun fun for her...she has been such a trooper though..but the hard part is keeping her away from Beckham...man she has to kiss him everytime you turn around. You have to have major hawk eyes with her. I took her to MD yesterday and she is now on antibiotic treatment and healing. I worked half a day yesterday and today and will work half day on friday. I am off next week which was in the books since january. But man that monday morning killed Robbie and I both. We were not ready. My mom is keeping the babies for now until he gets a little older. I missed them both so much. One because he is so small and we are still trying to figure him out and then Rylie because she is sick and cried for me when I was leaving for work. It was so heartbreaking. But I survived;)
This morning was the craziest morning. Rylie had nightmare and woke up early and didn't want to go back to bed and Beckham decided he was going to wake up at 6 and it was nowhere time to eat and he was WIDE awake ready for his day. So I was entertaining two while trying to get ready for work..I finally gave up and wore headband and barely any makeup...I know I will get this all down in time...Right???
This morning was the craziest morning. Rylie had nightmare and woke up early and didn't want to go back to bed and Beckham decided he was going to wake up at 6 and it was nowhere time to eat and he was WIDE awake ready for his day. So I was entertaining two while trying to get ready for work..I finally gave up and wore headband and barely any makeup...I know I will get this all down in time...Right???
Saturday, November 15, 2008
two weeks today!
can you believe our little guy is two weeks old today. He is so cute...He is starting to fill out those wrinkles now...we just have got to get him to sleeping and eating better through the night...
Our baby girl is sick right now..we are trying to keep her from Beckham as much as possible, however she find the need to kiss him when she leaves a room and whe nshe reenters it is soo funny....she through a toy on him today it was a soft one of his toys but nontheless threw it on his head...poor guy..we have a feeling there is so much more of that to come....all he gets is a face full of blonde hair every few mminutes when she is around...he will catch up that is for sure...
Rylie is running around like crazy geeked up on decongestants but has a cough sounds bad, but has not slowed her down in the least. We are probably going to take one more week off from church. I miss everyone SOO much but can't put Rye in class at church and don't forsee her sitting all through a service and us being new with a new little one..too much for me for one morning;)
anyway just wanted to let eveyone know we are alive and well for the most part....tension headache from the georgia game and the last minute drive by auburn...come on dawgs...wake up!!!!! where have you been lately??? too stressful to watch them lately....
Our baby girl is sick right now..we are trying to keep her from Beckham as much as possible, however she find the need to kiss him when she leaves a room and whe nshe reenters it is soo funny....she through a toy on him today it was a soft one of his toys but nontheless threw it on his head...poor guy..we have a feeling there is so much more of that to come....all he gets is a face full of blonde hair every few mminutes when she is around...he will catch up that is for sure...
Rylie is running around like crazy geeked up on decongestants but has a cough sounds bad, but has not slowed her down in the least. We are probably going to take one more week off from church. I miss everyone SOO much but can't put Rye in class at church and don't forsee her sitting all through a service and us being new with a new little one..too much for me for one morning;)
anyway just wanted to let eveyone know we are alive and well for the most part....tension headache from the georgia game and the last minute drive by auburn...come on dawgs...wake up!!!!! where have you been lately??? too stressful to watch them lately....
Thursday, November 13, 2008
the waiting period is over...praise be to God!!1
Praise God the revocation period is over....He is offically ours...and now we can precede with the finalization process....God is so good to us and we deserve nothing...God has answered all of our prayers and we appreciate all of you guys praying for us during this time!!!! Beckham is just our bonus baby. He was such a blessing and surprise from up above and we praise HIM for Beckham. Only God himself could have orcestrated all of this....
Please continue to pray over the finalization process and also for there not to be any yes ANY medical costs that were not covered by our birthmother's insurance. We have agreed to pay anything that is not covered. Please pray for God's mercy to cover all the little extra's for us....
Please continue to pray over the finalization process and also for there not to be any yes ANY medical costs that were not covered by our birthmother's insurance. We have agreed to pay anything that is not covered. Please pray for God's mercy to cover all the little extra's for us....
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
When the clock strikes midnight;)
So finally I have had a minute to post some pictures of our little man. Rylie went to Gigi's today to play with girls for a little while and mommy and daddy got some alone time with Beckham and time to do the pictures and update you guys.
When the clock strikes midnight tonight Beckham will be ours. The revocation period will be over and then we move forward with finalization in making him legally a Beddingfield even though he already is in our hearts :)
We are so blessed with so many people praying for us. We appreciate our small group providing us with meals this week. You guys have been a blessing to us.
Beckham is doing good he has started with a lot of fussiness at night even with the formula change their has not been a change with fussiness and gassiness. So pediatrician said today via phone that it is too early to change formula as of yet...hold out for one more week. She said I know you dont want to hear it but it may be the dreaded "c" word (colic) We pray that it is not and ask you to pray that his little tummy gets straightend out. He still has a small hemaginoma above his right eye aka "stork bite" that is resolving but not completly gone. They said it would take several weeks and he still have naval cord thing...we need Mikki to come and knock his off like Rylie's. HAHA that was so funny for those of you who have no idea what I am talking about. The day we brought Rylie home Mikki touched Rylie's cord and the little thing fell off Freaked Mikki and me totally out...I just don't like those little things...
Rylie is adjusting very well. Better than we have ever expeceted. She hits the floor looking for her "little man" It is so sweet. The only problem is at bedtime she only wants mommy to hold her not Beckham. So it is tough at feeding time at her bedtime so we are working through all of that. But all in all she is his little mommy;)
Mommy and Daddy are doing good for sleep deprived people. We want the clock to strike midnight for sure so we all can take a deep breath out....
Well just wanted to update you gotta go get baby girl!!!
God Bless and keep those prayers up for healing for Beckham!!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Tanning in speedo's works:)
Beckham's bilirubin is down today so no more blood work at this time. He went to pediatrician today and had gained 3 oz and was 20inches long. She said he is doing great and that we don't have to come back until one month checkup since there was a weight gain:)
Praise God he is doing good...
Guess all that sunbathing in his speedo AKA pamper's paid off;)
Praise God he is doing good...
Guess all that sunbathing in his speedo AKA pamper's paid off;)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
SO today Beckham's bilirubin level is at 13.8 up from 10.2, and he has to go back in am to get it redrawn and then go to doctor's at 11am. If the number is going down great if not he has to get home health to do bililights. He is doing great...eating and pooping like little babies do.
We are all doing great...loving life right now and completly in love with our new little blessing...
We are all doing great...loving life right now and completly in love with our new little blessing...
Rough night!!
Man now we remember all about those sleeplessness nights:) He did great the first night and last night he wanted to eat about every 2 yes two hours....but it is a good thing for him to eat and poo to get out all of the bilirubin...I have got to run to take a shower while the house is quiet;) and then take him to go get his bilirubin done. Pray all goes well...continue to pray for our birthparents. We are madly in love with our little guy...it is unbelievable to think our BM was going to abort this baby and God had bigger and better plans for Beckham...Praise God for whom all blessings flow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Dang old Bilirubin!!
Beckham's bilirubin is up from 8.9 to 10.2 so we go back in am to have it retested...Pray that it all clears up...Everyone is great on this end though...Just praising God for our blessing!!
WE are home with baby Beckham..Rylie got to meet him this morning...it was so sweet...dont have to much time to blog will tell you guys all about it later...
prya that bilirubin test we are having done today is normal....
feel free to visit we will be here all afternoon and night..we are leaving now to get bilirubin test done...!!
keep praying for Birthparents and us!!
OH and also it is only 10 straight days weekends DO count...PRAISE GOD>>>>KEEP PRAYING!!
prya that bilirubin test we are having done today is normal....
feel free to visit we will be here all afternoon and night..we are leaving now to get bilirubin test done...!!
keep praying for Birthparents and us!!
OH and also it is only 10 straight days weekends DO count...PRAISE GOD>>>>KEEP PRAYING!!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Prayer for Beckham
BF states Beckham is a little jaundice this am and they are trying to decide if they are going to discharge him today or not...pray that they do...we cant stand it much longer...we are at home pacing like caged animals....
continue to pray over Birthparents for them to have peace over their adoption placement and also over the next 14 days...
continue to pray over Birthparents for them to have peace over their adoption placement and also over the next 14 days...
Faith, Family and Friends
Our family picture after the day saturday that our BM was giving birth soon 3 will be 4:)
Rylie playing catch with daddy
Our friends Dayna and Brad aka Tater...invited us over to watch the masacre of Georgia Bulldogs. We didn't make it until after half time because we were at home emotionally dealing with our son Beckham possibly being born and us not being there. We were scared and upset but being around our friends that have supported us through Rylie's adoption and will through this one made things bearable. We found out that Beckham was born via text mail (it's 2008 I guess that is how they roll?) and we were so excited, but so despiratly wanted to be there, but God had different plans and we got to see him yesterday afternoon and he is PERFECT....Thanks you guys for all that you do...we love you and no more georgia parties at your house we can have them here:0 ..ok
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